I do not have the brain power to write cohesively and fluidly, so you’re getting segmented lists today.
Felix got baptized, at long last, and we were very happy to have our families here to celebrate. We stuffed him into this pretty white romper, and he tried to run down the aisles of the church, but we ultimately succeeded in officially welcoming him into the Episcopal church. (Photos below: At church, and then later, waiting impatiently for TT’s sausage-and-egg casserole.)

Guion and I have been reading a great deal in the evening. He’s working through Knausgaard’s thriller The Morning Star, and I am dragging my heels through this heavy South African novel. Turns out you can read so much when you’re not watching TV! Who knew!
Guion may want more editorial jurisdiction over this newsletter, but how else can I ensure that he reads my emails if he is not as surprised by them as everyone else?
Moses is a little scientist; Felix is a little frat boy. They are both extremely masculine in their energies and dispositions, despite these fundamental personality differences. It’s all textbook stereotypes here: cars, trucks, balls, rudimentary weapons (e.g., sticks, a cardboard tube) rule the day.
I have been thinking about this poem by Arthur Sze since I was reminded of it yesterday. Specifically, this bit:
the world of being is like this gravel: you think you own a car, a house, this blue-zigzagged shirt, but you just borrow these things. Yesterday, you constructed an aqueduct of dreams and stood at Gibraltar, but you possess nothing.
Housekeeping Digest
I learn all of my best housekeeping tips from my mom. She introduced me to the Scrub Daddy, which many of you probably already use and know about, and it’s quickly become a dish-washing staple around here. (For more on its mysterious properties, I refer you to this nerdy article.)
Permit me to recommend another Scrub Daddy product, of which I have become quite fond: the Scour Daddy. Yes, indeed! Another Daddy! It’s the best scouring pad I’ve ever used: flexible, firm, and yet sponge-like when you need it to be (given the special polymer-based technology of its progenitor). Recommended for most hard-to-clean pots and pans.
Some Objectionable Opinions I Currently Hold
Men shouldn’t be allowed to deliver babies.
High heels are instruments of female oppression.
Adults who only read young-adult fiction should have their library cards revoked.
Fight me!
Currently Reading
The Outermost House, Henry Beston
Burger’s Daughter, Nadine Gordimer
I agree that high heels are instruments of female oppression. Females should not be allowed to wear any type of footwear for any reason. They need to be barefoot, pregnant with my spawn, and cooking my time appropriate meal. Footwear is a blessing, and women have yet to earn that blessing.