Interesting discussion. I was just thinking about this recently (at my tender age of 73) in terms of just who am I dressing for? My answer was “myself” along with a bit of theatrical attitude. What do I want to express to the world on a give day? I think women use dress to express - moods, values, character and sometimes for comfort and expediency. It fits within our (traditional) gendered culture that women are allowed to have a wider range of ways that express inner self. Men were expected to keep feelings and other internal identities on the down low. As the world has opened up and cultural norms are being confronted, the world of “dress” as communication has exploded, at least in major urban areas like Chicago where I live. My general approach to shopping for new items is for every item in, one must go out. Thanks for resources for my letting go of items.
Do we also have more clothing choices simply because our bodies are more beautiful? Adorn-able? ☺️
Interesting discussion. I was just thinking about this recently (at my tender age of 73) in terms of just who am I dressing for? My answer was “myself” along with a bit of theatrical attitude. What do I want to express to the world on a give day? I think women use dress to express - moods, values, character and sometimes for comfort and expediency. It fits within our (traditional) gendered culture that women are allowed to have a wider range of ways that express inner self. Men were expected to keep feelings and other internal identities on the down low. As the world has opened up and cultural norms are being confronted, the world of “dress” as communication has exploded, at least in major urban areas like Chicago where I live. My general approach to shopping for new items is for every item in, one must go out. Thanks for resources for my letting go of items.